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  1. How much is the fee?
    The fee is 20%
  2. Can i register and use Yhellow.Space to monetize my contnet?
    Yes. Yhellow.Space is dedicated to Health & Well-being. If you fit in any of the categories, please, do come in!
  3. How do i get paid?
    To be paid, your earnings must be at least €50. You can claim money when you earn €50. Payments will be transferred to your requested account within 7 business days.
    All payments are made, free of charge, to a PayPal account or to a SEPA bank account. Other withdrawal methods are available upon request and cost information.
  4. How much does it cost?
    Nothing! Using Yhellow.Space is completely free. We only apply a fee to financial Transactions.
  5. Can i do live streaming?
    You can do *free* live streaming for up to 10 minutes a day and *paid* live streaming for as long as you want.
    No, you are not the one paying. The *Paid Live Streaming* means that your followers will have to pay Point to be able to watch your live stream... and you will earn from them. You call out the price!
  6. What products can i sell?
    Pretty much anything regarding the Terms and Conditions.
    You can sell "meetings", Coaching sessions, digital products like ebooks and music, tickets to events, art, phisical products (beware of shipping fees) and so on...
  7. What are points and how much are they worth?
    First of all, 1 point is worth €0.10 (ten cents of an Euro)
    Point is a Wallet based system that allows Creators and Supporters to to instanteously sponsor or pay for services on the site. ie: Paid Live Streaming.
    Points are also used for Supporters to tip Content Creators during those live events.